Comparing EU and US Credit Card Processing in High-Risk Industries

In the world of high-risk processing, there are different rules and regulations for credit card payments depending on the region. In this blog post, we’ll compare two specific regions – the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) – to better understand how they differ from each other with regard to high-risk processing. EU …

Exploring the Future of Credit Card Processing in High-Risk Industries

The world of high-risk processing is always changing, with new technologies and regulations popping up all the time. In this blog post, we’ll have a look at where the industry is heading and what it might mean for businesses engaged in high-risk activities. Biometric Authentication One area that’s expected to see significant growth in the …

Understanding Fees Involved in High-Risk Processing

Credit card high-risk processing is an area of the payment industry that involves handling customer data and money with extra caution. Businesses need to ensure they meet certain safety and security standards to protect their customers. As such, additional fees are often incurred when dealing with high-risk processing services. In this blog post, we’ll discuss …

Profitability and Payment Processing

If I choose a payment processor purely because they are ‘cheaper’, only to have my merchant account terminated and funds held several months later because the processor I selected isn’t capable of handling high risk merchants, have I really made the profitable choice?

The Past, Present and Future of CBD

I am writing these words, looking back one year ago. Thinking of the beautiful moments with my love ones, happy days with smiling faces😊. I remember also moments that offered me new things to accomplish and other challenging activities saved on my to do list. When I am saying past I am referring to the …

The Real Story Behind Underwriting (How to compile a clean and complete underwriting package)

The term “underwriting” is typically used in references to banks or insurance companies or any institution looking to mitigate their risk exposure. Due to the above mention, you should expect that in the process of getting a processing merchant account the bank will follow the Five C’s of Credit: Character / Capacity / Capital / …