Chargeback Representment: What it is, and how to create a representment case – Part 2

How to create an effective chargeback representment case So now that we’ve gone over why you should re-present, and how the process works, let’s go over the basics of creating an effective case. Yes there are several ways to go about this, but the steps you take matter when dealing with unwarranted chargebacks.  The first …

Chargeback Representment: What it is, and how to create a representment case – Part 1

Chargebacks as many merchants know, is simply something that’s par for the course within the business world.  There may be situations where there are legitimate reasons for a customer to do a chargeback, and in those cases, the obvious right thing to do would be to accept it.  But what do you do if a …

High Risk Merchant Accounts: What are they, and should you get one? Part 2

Why you should get a high risk merchant account Considering that you’ve read this far, it’s very likely that you think your business is indeed  a high risk merchant, and that you probably need a high risk account to go with it. Now that we know a bit more about this type of account, and …

High Risk Merchant Accounts: What are they, and should you get one? Part 1

As well as your business may be going, you’ll inevitably hit some roadblocks from time to time, and that’s okay… One challenge that may arise is dealing with your merchant bank and your relationship with them. Depending on what type of industry you are in, and the types of customers you have, you may be …